Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina, & a catharsis...

Nawlins is trashed; I am not going. Tommy finally called on Wednesday, is in Houston & may be relocating there temporarily as his company headquarters is located there. I found someone living three blocks from him (who had ridden Katrina out) to walk over & take a look—no flooding, no trees on his house. Said he might even go visit his son for a couple of weeks since he'll have so much time on his hands. Hello! What about me?!?

I, however, am not in very good shape. Got through to him yesterday by cell, & he was golfing!!! Here I am, far away & hysterical, & he's golfing!!! Said he'd call back, but it is now 24 hours later & the phone has not made so much as a peep, save for friends worried about me!

Because I was frantic to find him, I called his son—who never even knew of my existence because Tommy was married & Jr. had just been born when Tommy & I were together. He received me well, talked for over an hour, & now we both (son & me) know everything—all the dirty laundry came out—alot of it does not paint a very pretty picture...

If Tommy does not make a drastic turn-around in his behavior regarding me, I am going to end it. The pain is excruciating. I'm a good person who deserves more consideration—not to mention attention. Since actions speak louder than words, it's looking like a real one-way street at this point, & I sure don't need that... Breaks my fucking heart...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Katrina sets her sights on Nawlins...

SW Floridians dodged the bullet—a then Cat1 Katrina took a left hand turn & hit the Keys, rather than where it was supposed to go: straight across to my mother's part of the world. Still, the area got torrential downpours as Katrina passed to the west, 250 miles offshore...

And now I am terrified for Tommy, & Nawlins. He told me, not so long ago, that if they take a direct hit the whole city will be under 30 feet of water. His home is a very short distance from Lake Pontchartrain. We haven't spoken since Friday night—wish he would call & let me know what he's going to do, where he'll go, but know he's too busy to even think about calling...

Pray, people, pray! This is a Cat5...the big one...