Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Midnight confessions & another sign?...

Greetings Jennifer—
Here is your horoscope for Tuesday, July 12:
Still completely and totally focused on one particular person? Good—because there's absolutely no doubt that the feeling is extremely mutual. Now's the time to make the rest of the world go away.

Even though I know horoscopes are largely generic crap, this one is so right on target that I want to believe it more than anything on earth!!! But the only thing that will truly convince me the events of the past 6 days haven't been just a product of my imagination is coming together face-to-face—not even Tommy's midnight phone confession that I've been the great love of his life & that, had circumstances been different, we would have had an extraordinary life is enough. Since proof lies in action rather than words, I will not have the answer I need until we are once again in each other's arms...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Did you forget to remember?...

“Did you forget?” my mother asked when I called to tell her about Tommy & & me & our plans to get together. “Forget what?” “Remember when Daddy, your grandparents & I came to visit?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, Tom was supposed to meet all of us for dinner—but he never showed up or called…” I pondered this information (which I had forgotten!), then waves of pain & disappointment—similar to what I must have been feeling back then—washed over me. His action, intentional or not, had disappointed & hurt me deeply. I wonder if I can trust him with my heart this second time around...or if I'm just setting myself up for another fall...

Do we subconsciously keep setting ourselves up for disappointment, or is history simply destined to repeat? At this juncture in our newly-established relationship, the verdict is still out…