Friday, July 22, 2005

Molly rates our 'thing' a definite Top 10...

I sent an email to Molly, a friend from high school with whom I'm putting together a class bash, saying that 'depending on things' I may—or may not—be joining them. This is her response:

"Jen, that's just the like most romantic story I've ever heard!!!!  He has a gorgeous face and had (hopefully still does but I know how that goes, so to speak) a nice head of curly hair! Seems he loved you alot—just by the by the way he's touching you, looking at you. Damn, lucky girl you are to have that kind of caring come around again! Good for you! I hope you both come to the bash in September because I'd love to meet the man involved in what just might be one of the greatest love stories of all time! Luv ya, Mols"

My mother said she always thought Patrick (ex-husband) was the love of my life. I'd thought so too, actually—until the night he called & told me he'd remarried. With all the years we'd hung in there—through tragedy, betrayal, infidelity & divorce—it seemed no matter where life took us we'd still end up together because of this crazy, unconditional love we shared. But life is full of twists & turns that prove Fate has everything mapped out way beforehand— that we're all just pawns on the board of life, waiting to be played...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The "L" word...almost...

We brought it all out in the open last night, Tommy & me—heart & soul, no holds barred. It's difficult to encapsulate here, but the essence is thus: while he did love his wife, it was never anything compared to what we'd had—that he had no doubt we'd have had an extraordinary life together & how unfortunate we'd been, finding each other when it was already way too late, that I've been the great love of his life... So I've been bawling my eyes out ever since we hung up, a little after 1AM, but they are tears of happiness, joy & relief...can hardly believe, after all these years, we might finally be able to be together in the way we were denied the first time around.

We're meeting in Vegas as soon as we can make arrangements. My friend Leanna said we'll be lucky if we make it out of our room in the four days we'll be there. My business partner is betting on another scenario. Me? Whatever will be, will be...

God, poor Cherry is probably rolling over in her grave—I may very well end up with her husband after all—& this time around, there's nothing she can do to stop it except, perhaps, haunt us for the rest of our lives ;]  So I had a little talk with Tina & asked her to keep Cherry in check. Just as she took care of things in life, I know I can trust her in death, as well ;]

Sunday, July 17, 2005

At long last laughter...& a wierd voicemail...

I had dinner at Tina's last night—Mark & Roxi barbequed some chicken & we had a few great laughs—the first when Roxi asked if I'd seen Mom yet.

I looked at her, somewhat perplexed, & she pointed to a black canvas bag on the floor. She went on to explain that Mom is 'residing' in a bag, inside a box, inside the black canvas bag, until the urn they ordered arrives. "You're keeping her under a table?!?" I say, horrified. Mark looks down at the floor, kind of guilty, & explains he put her there while vacuuming. "Well you could at least have put her in a more respectable place!" I said, trying to stifle a giggle. So he picks up the bag & places it on the sofa. "Okay, dear," he said to the bag, "come sit here, you'll be much more comfortable!"

Of course we all cracked up—the kind of thing where you laugh so hard tears roll down your face & you can't catch your breath—& I said "God is she ever gonna come back & get us all for this one!"

It was such a relief to share laughter—definitely the first we've had since Tina passed & probably the first since she got sick, back in September. I love these guys—they're like family. Rox even said she looks upon me as a big sister, which amuses (& pleases) me no end since I'm her mother's age!

When I got home I discovered a couple of messages on my cell (Tina's house is out of range, so I wasn't aware of them until much later). One was from Tommy—a very strange message. "This is Tom," he said. "It's approximately 6:15 & I was calling..." Then...nothing! I called back & got his voicemail but he has not yet returned my call. What's going on here???