Sunday, August 28, 2005

Katrina sets her sights on Nawlins...

SW Floridians dodged the bullet—a then Cat1 Katrina took a left hand turn & hit the Keys, rather than where it was supposed to go: straight across to my mother's part of the world. Still, the area got torrential downpours as Katrina passed to the west, 250 miles offshore...

And now I am terrified for Tommy, & Nawlins. He told me, not so long ago, that if they take a direct hit the whole city will be under 30 feet of water. His home is a very short distance from Lake Pontchartrain. We haven't spoken since Friday night—wish he would call & let me know what he's going to do, where he'll go, but know he's too busy to even think about calling...

Pray, people, pray! This is a Cat5...the big one...


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