Friday, August 05, 2005

Unconditional love...

We talked about unconditional love once, Tommy & me. He said we can't begin to know what it's all about until we have kids. I don't have kids, but I do have dogs, and they love unconditionally as well.

I've had a great deal of time to think about the concept of unconditional love and, even though I do not have kids, have been fortunate enough to experience it—actually quite a bit of it—& think he is wrong, at least in part. Unconditional love—to me, anyway— is the non-judgmental acceptance of another's myriad faults and sins, being there for them when they need you, no questions asked.

Following a many hour battle with tears, I had a startling revelation at 4:30 this morning. I absolutely had the unconditional love of my second husband. And with alot of friends, including D (with whom I have been staying in Hell-ay for the past 5 days & whose possible behavior with me was the subject of Tommy's very angry line of questioning which, a few hours later, he vehemently denied doing). People who are always there for me, have been for lots of years. I also think I have it with him. Why else would he still be around after I behaved so very badly Wednesday night?  I'll know soon enough, when (& if) he ever calls again. His continued presence in my life (or not) will be my answer, pretty much written in stone...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the most incredibly prolific writer I've seen who's not in print - or ARE you? Any chance this saga will become the next Great American Novel?

4:46 PM  

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