Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina, & a catharsis...

Nawlins is trashed; I am not going. Tommy finally called on Wednesday, is in Houston & may be relocating there temporarily as his company headquarters is located there. I found someone living three blocks from him (who had ridden Katrina out) to walk over & take a look—no flooding, no trees on his house. Said he might even go visit his son for a couple of weeks since he'll have so much time on his hands. Hello! What about me?!?

I, however, am not in very good shape. Got through to him yesterday by cell, & he was golfing!!! Here I am, far away & hysterical, & he's golfing!!! Said he'd call back, but it is now 24 hours later & the phone has not made so much as a peep, save for friends worried about me!

Because I was frantic to find him, I called his son—who never even knew of my existence because Tommy was married & Jr. had just been born when Tommy & I were together. He received me well, talked for over an hour, & now we both (son & me) know everything—all the dirty laundry came out—alot of it does not paint a very pretty picture...

If Tommy does not make a drastic turn-around in his behavior regarding me, I am going to end it. The pain is excruciating. I'm a good person who deserves more consideration—not to mention attention. Since actions speak louder than words, it's looking like a real one-way street at this point, & I sure don't need that... Breaks my fucking heart...


Blogger Beatloaf said...

Hey Girl,

It's been awhile since I've been around this way. Just catching up on you and your life. Sorry, but Tommy seems like an inconsiderate creep. Screw him. You've wasted enough time and energy on this man already. If he doesn't even have the decency to call and let you know thta he's ok do you want a guy like that? Sounds like he's a little full of himself to me. Keep the good memeories that you have of your time with him and chuck the rest...including HIM! That's my unsolicited two cents!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Beatloaf said...

Excuse my typos!

7:43 PM  

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