Thursday, December 29, 2005

The promised weekend...

Yes, I broke down & called him even though it's been a long, long time since he has called me on his own. Was shocked he actually answered his cell, but we had a nice long talk — including the promised weekend. It's probably a pile of bull, but he said when my hip is healed we will have that weekend. I'm gauging the end of January/early February before I'm able to do this, but when I tell him I'm ready, he better be ready to make plane & hotel reservations. Pronto. I know I've said this before, but he better not let me down or disappoint me even one more time. His excuses have run out. I want to trust him, but am very leary of doing so — especially because he now only calls infrequently...not because he wants to hear my voice, or because he misses me...where he used to all the time...


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